How To Stay Drunk While Still Sticking It To The Man

[from The A.V. Club Chicago / August 25, 2009]

Illinois will increase its excise tax on alcohol sales Sept. 1, raising the price of a six-pack 2.6 cents, wine 15 cents, and a fifth of hard liquor roughly 81 cents, the Chicago-Tribune reports. So, in the spirit of financial well-being, The A.V. Club offers these quick tips for easing the pain of the new imposition.

1. Stock up now.

This should be self-explanatory—with six days left in August, there’s still plenty of time for low-tax libations.

2. Get to know the neighbors to the north.

After the impending hike, Wisconsin’s liquor taxes will be roughly half of Illinois’—six to 12 cents for a bottle of wine, 86 cents for a fifth of the hard stuff, and a scant 3.6 cents on a six-pack. It might seem like a long way to go for a beer run, but anyone inclined to calculate alcohol tax-related savings is probably also inclined to drive an hour to refill the fridge.

3. Cut back.

Just kidding.
